For mission-driven nonprofits, telling stories–obstacles to overcome, successes won–can be one of the best ways to show people you are delivering on the mission. Human stories compels viewers and listeners in a way that other communications just don’t. But if you’ve ever had to interview someone–whether for a podcast, video or audio program–you know that drawing out the best story can be difficult.
So I’m pleased to announce my new course on–taught with my good friend and colleague Rich Harrington– called the Art of the Video Interview (we also cover audio-only interviews). We’ve put our years of experience into this practical course, and cover everything from location scouting and interview preparation, to how to build rapport with interviewees, what equipment to use for audio-only interviews, getting the best interview out of difficult subjects–people who are subject matter experts, young children, couples. And finally, we address all the things that will help you prepare for a better edit–including how to minimize narration and using transcripts effectively for workflow. We had a lot of fun putting together this course, so I hope you enjoy it!