Tag Archive for: thankful

While getting a jump on holiday food prep, I’ve been thinking today of what makes me thankful.

I’m thankful I get to work with organizations and people who spend every day trying to make the world better than how they found it.

I’m thankful to so many talented individuals whose ideas make me look good, and who have become friends. DP’s like Richard, Matt, Jim, Ben and Mark. Editors Jamie and Adam. Sound ops like Dwayne, AJ and Jonathan. Graphics gurus like Xi and Ed. Makeup artists like Kim and Barbara. Production support like Jay, Brenda, Sara and Pam. And all around techno wizards like Rich.

I’m thankful my husband got a great new job. And to those of you who reached out during all those months of looking.

I’m thankful my family is healthy and my kids are turning into pretty cool and interesting people.

And despite the shenanigans on Capitol Hill, I’m thankful I live here and not somewhere we have to walk miles to find clean water, or fear secret police will come knocking.

Have a great holiday and thanks for following my blog!
